Optimisation of internal processes in the pipe bridge unit

Process and organisational development

  • Process Optimisation
  • Organisational Development
  • Change Management

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9 months
Project duration
10 kmĀ²
Area Supply security
Employees at the plant

Background and objectives

The Energy Supply unit (ESI/ E) supplies the Ludwigshafen plant with steam, compressed air, heating gas, cooling water, electricity and drinking water. The aim of the project was to optimise the maintenance and repair processes of the pipe bridge unit:


Implementation and challenge

1. Analysis. Analysis of the value creation processes in the workflow organisation and implementation of a system analysis of the organisational and communication structure. Questionnaires, group interviews and workshops were used to identify the actual workflows and process conflicts.

2. Concept. Development of an overall concept to optimise the process organisation and design a suitable organisational form for the unit (organisation chart, management structures, information, decision-making and communication processes as well as work culture routines).

3. Operationalisation. Modelling the new target processes together with the respective process teams, creating a process-specific implementation plan and implementing an agile, process-oriented organisational structure.

4. Project support. Project management, role optimisation, further development of internal process management, realignment of the management system and support for the managers and employees involved to ensure effective change management.


The result

The aim of having the future process and organisational structure of the ESI/E unit developed not by managers but for the most part "bottom-up" by the employees involved was enthusiastically translated into operational and cultural change at the plant.


Customer feedback

"The project was carried out to our complete satisfaction and led to success within an ambitious time frame. With your experience, clarity and assertiveness, you were able to initiate an important change in our corporate culture!"

Prozessoptimierung BASF SE, Ludwigshafen

Thomas Riede
Vice President Energy Supply der BASF SE


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