New strategies through new perspectives
Experienced and successful decision-makers in particular tend towards traditional patterns of success: if it worked yesterday, it will also work tomorrow. Coaching based on neutral and professional feedback and reflection processes creates the space to question your own perspectives, mindsets and behaviour in a way that is safe, pragmatic and effective - and to change them when faces with new challenges.
Reducing hidden costs
Costs caused by ineffective teams, poor management, communication lapses or goal-setting and implementation issues are often hidden, but they still hurt. Coaching and facilitation can quickly and effectively lead to improvements that resolve frictions and conflicts in the long term.
Effective leadership teams
We turn your managers into a team driven by purpose that acts in synchronisation, leads with value creation in mind and communicates with appreciation and respect - measurable and tangible. So that your goals are not only implemented effectively, but your employees are empowered, involved and upskilled for the long term. This increases your internal project success and your attractiveness as an employer for your present and future employees.
Praxisbezogenes + nachhaltiges Lernen
Schulungen liefern theoretische Inhalte, vernachlässigen jedoch oft experimentelles und pragmatisches Lernen. Unsere Trainings gehen weit über normale Seminare hinaus: gemeinsam mit Ihnen und Ihren Mitarbeitenden schaffen wir einen Kontext, in dem Ausprobieren und das praktische Weiterentwickeln von Wissen, Fertigkeiten und Einstellungen im Fokus stehen.
Performance und Qualitätssteigerung
Wer dauerhaft Fehler ignoriert oder stigmatisiert, kämpft irgendwann mit Qualitäts- und Kundenproblemen. Eine produktive und offene Fehlerkultur beginnt daher im Mindset der Führungskräfte und wirkt sich dann positiv auf die Wertschöpfung des Unternehmens aus, wenn Kultur, Werte und methodische Kompetenzen im Fehler-Management konsequent verbunden sind.
Mitarbeiterbindung + Arbeitgeberattraktivität
Die Unternehmenskultur bildet die Grundlage für Werte und Normen – aber erst über ein starkes "Warum" definieren Menschen den Sinn ihres Tuns und binden sich nachhaltig an ein Unternehmen und seine Strategien. Dies steigert nicht nur die Umsetzungsstärke des Unternehmens, sondern macht es nachhaltig attraktiv für heutige und zukünftige Mitarbeitende.
Executive + Business Coaching
The subjective assessment of a situation forms the basis of our decisions and therefore has a maximum impact on what we achieve as a result. We offer different coaching formats that give top decision-makers and managers the opportunity to consciously reflect on existing values, beliefs and routines in light of new strategic goals and, if necessary, adapt them to a new reality.
Management development
Managers are the “movers and shakers” of necessary change. To ensure that not only your processes but also your management system is effectively aligned with the implementation of planned innovations, we help your executives and mangers achieve leadership excellence with customised development plans - because successful companies rely on excellent leaders.
Trainings + Workshops
Our trainings and workshops are rooted in our many years of project experience in a wide range of fields and provide the ideal platform to connect your people with their work and the company. Individually tailored to you and your goals, we combine a wide spectrum of interdisciplinary expertise with customised and tried-and-tested consulting, training and workshop formats.
Succession planning support
The complexity of a (family) succession plan is not only enormous from a business and legal perspective, but also in terms of psychology and culture. From scheduling the process through communications to individual coaching of the incoming - and outgoing - decision-makers, we provide comprehensive and pragmatic support for all your questions and challenges.
Let's make the people in your company fit for the future
In a world of complex change and global uncertainty we enable people and their organisations to position themselves for the future.
Let's get your project started on the right track.
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